Happy New Year! I hope this year is wonderful for all. I’m focusing on completing projects again this year as the pandemic continues. I’m still amazed at how many projects I finished in 2020. Staying home and not traveling has it’s advantages.
In June, I started knitting dishcloths and adding them to dish washing liquid detergent to donate to my local food pantry. I donated 10 a month starting in July and donated a total of 50 for the year. There’s more information in my blog post HERE.

I did a special holiday project for my local Meals on Wheels too. In December, I donated 40 dishcloth dresses and Method foaming hand soap for their clients. There’s more about my project in this blog post.
I finished lots of hat too. Some were donated and the rest are in my closet waiting for the right recipient. I’ll know them when I see them.

I finished 2 sweaters and a shawl this year. That’s quite the accomplishment for me. The shawl is my own design and the pattern is HERE.

In 2021, I’m planning to continue my dishcloth donations and I’ve added a page on the website called Each Stitch Counts. Check it out and if you’d like to join my project, please email me. Now more than ever, our food banks need as much help as possible.
I hope this year is kind to you and that you find time to knit and create the things that make you smile.