As I wrote in my post of July 3, 2020, I’m working my way through my stash of cotton yarn. I’m continuing to knit dishcloths using the Sinkmates pattern. I love this mitered square pattern that is cast on to an i-cord edging. I’m making 4 or 5 a week just using my morning and evening time working on them.

I made a second trip to the food pantry and dropped off 5 more sets with dish detergent. The ones pictured are ready to weave in the ends and then off they’ll go.
I’m doing lots of other knitting too. I’m making progress on going through my stash and filled another box with yarn that I probably won’t use. I’m looking to send it to a good home.
I’m also spending some of my knitting time working on a collection of hats and fingerless gloves.

I’m considering an Etsy Shop or there’s a local Craft Show Shop that may take my items and offer them for sale. Until I decide, I’ll just keep knitting the things that make me happy.
If you’d prefer to knit these yourself the patterns are available HERE.
So the pandemic continues and I continue to have most of my plans cancelled for the near future and so I continue to spend more time than ever knitting. I’m working on several new patterns too. More about that when they’re ready.
Your knitting is lovely, most of mine goes to charity, that way I can make what I like whenever I like, have a great week.
So nice that you give so much to charity. I’m trying to find local places to donate my knitting.